Frequently asked questions
Yes. We use industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to keep your information secure. We partner with Stripe, the industry's established payment processor trusted by some of the world's largest companies.
Your financial information never touches our servers. We send all data directly to Stripe's Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant servers though SSL.
Your gift is tax deductible as per your local regulations. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Kobo is a tax exempt organization.
We will email you a donation receipt. Please keep this receipt. It is your official record to claim the donation as a tax deduction.
To make a gift by check, please mail it to Kobo, Inc, 37 Highland Ave, Cambridge MA, 02139. Please make your check payable to Kobo Inc.
Yes. Please reach out to us at donate@kobotoolbox.org for wire or ACH transfer instructions.
When processing a DAF grant through a charitable giving account, search for Kobo, Inc using tax ID 37-1934868.
Please use the donation form above. Select the option for monthly donations.
Yes. If you choose to give a recurring donation, you can cancel it at any time by clicking the link in your donation receipt and following the instructions provided.
For assistance with a recurring donation, please email donate@kobotoolbox.org.