Beyond the technology
Kobo on the ground: Highlights from our global capacity strengthening initiatives to support frontline organizations
In 2025, an estimated 305 million people around the world will need humanitarian assistance due to conflict, climate disasters, famine, and disease. As the need for critical humanitarian aid, sustainable development, environmental protection, and other crucial social impact interventions continues to escalate in countries across the globe, the KoboToolbox community is responding with vital efforts to deliver inclusive, meaningful programming and assistance to improve quality of life for everyone.
To support our user community, our team has delivered more than 20 different capacity strengthening initiatives and mobilized a network of 30 KoboToolbox Ambassadors in 28 countries to enhance data skills at the local level. In the past year alone, Kobo has provided direct project support and training for a total of 20 organizations and 817 participants in 9 countries to bolster data-driven action globally.
Strengthening data capacities across the globe
In addition to launching three new KoboToolbox Academy courses in 2024, our team has been actively delivering direct support and hands-on training for nonprofit organizations worldwide, helping to advance data-informed change for local communities.
Through both virtual and in-person training, Kobo’s technical experts have provided capacity building on a range of topics, from a comprehensive introduction to KoboToolbox and foundational skills in form building to advanced data management and mobile data collection. We’ve also provided direct project support including complex form development, project set up, data analysis, and custom dashboards to help frontline organizations maximize their impact.
Supporting migration response in Colombia

In Bogotá, Kobo delivered free training for over 80 participants from local and international organizations to support humanitarian response efforts in Colombia. In collaboration with KoboToolbox volunteer Ambassadors Estefanía Avendaño Niño and Sebastian Gallego Duque, Kobo staff provided five in-person training sessions entirely in Spanish to help frontline organizations strengthen data management capacities to better serve displaced and vulnerable people across the country.
Training for NRC staff in Ukraine

To support the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)’s efforts in Ukraine, Kobo delivered a custom in-person training for their team. In response to the ongoing conflict, NRC has delivered critical assistance to thousands of impacted communities, improving access to education, essential services, and livelihoods. The interactive training strengthened capacities in form design, data collection, and project management, enhancing their ability to provide timely and responsive aid to those in need.
Data-driven human rights protection in Uganda

In partnership with DefendDefenders, a locally-led NGO operating in the East and Horn of Africa, Kobo provided training for 13 organizations from Uganda and South Sudan to support the impactful work of local human rights practitioners. Kobo led five days of in-person training sessions in form development and using KoboToolbox to monitor and report human rights violations, advancing human rights protection in the region and improving safety for human rights advocates.
Virtual training for Save the Children International

To ensure vital data is available to organizations that deliver critical aid during emergencies, such as access to safe drinking-water and essential services for wellbeing, Kobo’s technical experts delivered remote training for over 110 Save the Children International humanitarian staff working in the WASH sector and some of their partners around the world. During two 3-hour virtual sessions, the participants gained key skills in data collection and management, including survey creation, adding translations, form deployment, and customized topics specifically for WASH data.
Building local data skills for refugee and migrant response staff in Peru

In Lima, Kobo delivered a training workshop in Spanish for over 70 participants from 60 local organizations across Peru to build data skills in key topics related to the local context and refugee response programming. Hosted by the Information Management (IM) working group of the R4V Refugee and Migrant Working Group (GTRM), the workshop aimed to improve access to data technology and strengthen capacities for organizations involved in the Venezuelan refugee and migrant response efforts.
Mobilizing data for peacebuilding in Ethiopia

To advance peacebuilding initiatives in Ethiopia, Kobo staff provided training and technical support for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The in-person training on form development and data management using KoboToolbox aimed to build capacities for key staff members. Over 60 mobile devices and tablets were also configured with KoboCollect to collect data in the field and document the first-hand accounts of those affected by the conflict, marking a significant step towards justice and reconciliation for the country.
Data capacity training for NRC in Kenya

In Kenya, our team had the opportunity for continued collaboration with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). Through a custom in-person training led by Kobo staff, the NRC team used real-world case studies to increase capacities in form development and data management with KoboToolbox, equipping them with crucial data skills to deliver emergency aid and long-term assistance to displaced people and communities affected by humanitarian crisis and climate change.
Earthquake and disaster response in Turkey

In Ankara, Türkiye, our team provided an in-person KoboToolbox Essentials Training for SGDD-ASAM, an organization dedicated to humanitarian aid, disaster response, and supporting displaced persons. SGDD-ASAM plays a crucial role in the country’s earthquake region, deploying emergency rescue teams and lifesaving aid to disaster-affected provinces. Our team provided hands-on training to enhance their needs assessment data management with KoboToolbox, supporting their important work in disaster and refugee response in communities across Türkiye.
Training and project support for UNHCR in Argentina

In contexts of displacement and refugee response, UNHCR works in partnership with local stakeholders to offer asylum, protection, and integration services including housing and livelihoods assistance. Across Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, UNHCR is collaborating with host communities and refugee-led organizations to achieve sustainable long-term solutions and promote the inclusion of displaced populations. To support UNHCR’s efforts, our team traveled to Buenos Aires to deliver data capacity training and consult on project planning.
Leveraging data for inclusive education in Tanzania

In Tanzania, Kobo provided in-person and virtual training sessions for the staff at the School of St. Jude in Arusha. The School of St. Jude is a nonprofit organization that channels funding where it is needed most to support inclusive and equitable education. Through their scholarship program, St. Jude’s helps urban and rural youth living in poverty to access advanced educational opportunities at the school. Covering a range of form building and data collection topics, our team provided a series of hands-on virtual trainings as well as a comprehensive in-person training for the St Jude team.
Advancing data-driven impact together
Initiatives like these have an enormous impact on the ground. Our work to grow global data capacities for more inclusive, sustainable, and locally-led action wouldn’t be possible without our users, partners, and donors. Together, we are making progress towards our shared goal of advancing accessible technology and data inclusivity so we can achieve better outcomes for the communities we serve.
Interested in partnering to organize a training in your region? Want to learn more about project support or custom training for your team? Get in touch with us.